Tunable Daf

Specifications of tunable Dafs:

Diameter: 53cm (28.8”), Width 5.2 cm (2.04") in zero point tuning condition
Drum shell's weight: 730 - 760 g (1.6-1.67 lb.).

When the so-called tuning is on point zero, the frame that has been vertically cut and separated in two parts, will connect to each other and while tuning up, these two wooden parts will separate again. As a result, the pitch will move toward the higher notes or sharper sound when tuned up. At this stage, drum shell’s diameter may reach up to 5.5 cm (2.16”).

The remarkable point about these tunable dafs is their weight. Despite fittings used in the wooden frame, the weight is between 730 - 760 g (1.6 - 1.67 lb.). For this purpose, a specific wood used, which at the same time has both strength and quality, also light in weight. 

Tunable Daf (Frontside)
Tunable Daf (Frontside)
Tunable Daf (inside Daf with small metal rings inside of the frame
Tunable Daf (inside)
Tunable Daf (Details inside)
Tunable Daf
Rings inside the tunable Daf
Rings inside the tunable Daf